Friday, April 17, 2015

One Month

So it's been 1 month (3/17/15) since I sat down and was told the results of the pathology report.

Went to see an oncologist in Salt Lake this morning. Talked about why or why not I wouldn't have chemo prior to any surgery. And the 2 main types of chemo that would be used if I choose to have chemo prior to surgery. He stated that having chemo prior increases your chance of survival about 5%. So when you are looking at 50% survival rate, some people think that it is just not worth putting your body through that ordeal for 5%. Every doctor I've seen brings up the 50% thing - ya I get it. Anyway, we had a good talk for about an hour.

History Part 2 -
Let's continue from last night. So at what point does a man finally say, "Hey, I'm tired of dealing with this pain. I think I'll see a doctor!" Well for me it took years. A woman might say that there is an inverse correlation between the time it takes a man to see a doctor about a problem and his intelligence. I might be a case study for that theory.

Anyway, I was convinced that this problem is caused by a kidney stone. I figured that when I exercised the stone would sometimes move around and settle in an area that restricted the urine flow and the irritation resulted in some blood. So I call the urologist and talk to the PA on the phone and told him that I think I have a kidney stone and he arranges for me to have an x-ray before I see him. Well, you will never guess. I had a flipping stone. I think I'm a genius - at least for a while. So I visit with the PA and he gives me a prostate check (older men will know this procedure). He informs me that my prostate is very enlarged and I had a high PSA and that is where he thinks my problem lies. And the blood is likely the result of an infection.

Well, I had the stone blasted. The operation was fine. The recovery was awful. Once at home I got an upset stomach. Couldn't keep the pain pills down. Pain went to a 9 on a 10 scale. Went to the emergency room. They IV drugged me (that felt good) and told me I couldn't leave until I urinated for them. I finally had the urge so they led me to the bathroom and gave me a cup for a urine sample. Well I had a dilemma, I needed one hand to push aside the gown and the other hand to hold the cup and the other hand to get the point. And I need to mention that nobody told me what my urine would look like after this procedure. So here's this guy high on meds, trying to hold 3 things with 2 hands and all of sudden pure blood comes squirting out of my penis. Well, I freaked out, jumped up and let loose of everything and made a mess in the bathroom. Once finished, I calmly gathered myself, left the bathroom and informed the staff that there was a little mess in the bathroom.

Well, that's enough for tonight. I'll get to the first biopsy tomorrow.
