Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Biopsy #3

It's not quite 7:00 and I'm in a nice hotel suite in Salt Lake waiting to go to The Huntsman Cancer Institute for my 3rd biopsy of my bladder. They would like me there at 12:00. My surgery is scheduled for 3:00. I'll probably get back to the hotel about 6:00. I am a little nervous. This is my first surgery at the Huntsman with a new doctor who will probably be my doctor for this whole journey. At some point soon, I'm going to have to put my faith 100% into this doctor and hospital. But my past experience keeps me from doing that yet. I am nervous because the doctor and hospital seem to do things a little different then my IHC hospital in Logan. For example, this doctor tells me I may awake up to find a catheter inserted into my urethra!! Why? The doctor in Logan never even talked about that in the two biopsies he did on me. I understand the doctor will put it in while I'm asleep. But the nurse tells me that after 3-5 days I get to remove it myself. How the hell does that work? Something tells me that can't me a comfortable experience. Well, I guess I have to man up and put my faith in the doctors and staff that everything will be alright. Prayers accepted.

BTW, I haven't really said why I am having this operation. I'll have time to explain that while we wait for the pathology report.

OK, So we left off with the inconclusive results of the first biopsy.
Although I was upset with the results, I never really thought that I could have cancer anyway. I don't ever recall the doctor sitting down with me and saying, "Jerry, you know these problems you have been having could be symptoms of bladder cancer." And for whatever reason, I thought my problem was still in the prostate. Anyway, for what ever reason I never looked into bladder cancer myself. I choice I now regret. But I did not stop trying to help solve my urinary problems. And in hind sight this is where my anger comes.

It was the day after Christmas and I got up early and spent a beautiful morning in the mountains XC skiing. It was a good long, hard workout (at least for my age). I got home and cleaned up and about 1:00, I had to pee. I felt that sudden urgency that made me think-here we go again. And the urine came out slow, burning, and red. Now most of the times my good workouts happened on the weekend and so this problem wouldn't occur when the doctors were in. But this day was different. It was Friday. I was so excited that I got in my truck and drove to see the doctor. I thought that for once they would see my problem I real time and have an answer for me. When I got there, all I found was the receptionist and she said everyone went home at 12:00. Oh I was disappointed and upset. I explained my situation and she told me I could go down to the emergency room lab to give a urine sample. Anyway, after more then an hour I finally left a red urine sample and went home frustrated. The soonest appointment I got was more then a week later. When I met with the PA and asked what he thought of my urine sample, he said something and prescribed me a new blue pill.

I had the same red urine the weekend workout on Valentine's day. More then a week later I got to see the doctor this time. He comes in and says we have to do something about the blood in your urine. He said the urine sample (which looked clear by now) contained blood. Then he starts looking at my file on the computer and turns to me and says, "have we ever talked to that pathologist about your biopsy report." I remind him that he tried initially but the pathologist was on vacation and no further attempts were made that I remember. So he quickly tells me that I need to get a second biopsy done asap. And so it is scheduled for 3/12/15. Of course, I have said what that outcome was. And we are just about up to date.

So let me quickly vent. When the first biopsy says, "... diligent follow up is warranted." DON'T EXPECT YOUR DOCTORS TO BE DILIGENT!!!! You must be diligent!!! You are your own best doctor. Do your homework. Know your body. I will regret my lack of diligence from 9/14 thru 3/15 for hopefully years to come.

OK. I'm going to calm down now and relax before my surgery.