Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Getting back to it!!

Today was kind of special. Tuesday is my walking night. But today I changed it up a little. I stopped home after work and strapped on my heart rate monitor and put on shorts and my running shoes. I thought I might change my pace today. I got to Green Canyon and started to walk. But after a short distance, I decided to try and run. I was not sure how my body would take it. But it felt GOOD. Anyway, I went for 3 miles. The first half was up hill and the second down hill. Of course I was able to run the whole down hill section, but I did run at least half the up hill section. For me, this is a big deal. I am not an exercise Nazi, but I do like to try and stay fit. After my heart attack, I knew that I wanted to keep that muscle strong in case of another one my heart would fare as good as the first time - no dead tissue. So today was good.

In my last post, I mentioned that there was more to the story of the upcoming doctor's appointment on 7/2/15. Well the irony of the situation is that while I have been pushing to try and talk about the next step and moving forward, the doctor leaves on vacation for the whole month of July after he sees me on 7/2. So as far as my surgery goes with this doctor it appears that the soonest time would be August and more likely September. Not sure how I feel about this. Not sure how my cancer feels about this. It seems like this meeting on the 7/2 will be interesting. I wonder how much of his mind will be on my questions and concerns and how much will be on his vacation plans. It's times like this I need to remind myself to not worry about things I have no control over.

Well it's late and tonight I am tired. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support. The wheels do seem to move slow. Good night.