Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I am feeling anxious and a little scared. Tomorrow I have my appointment with Dr. Dechet. I'm not sure what to expect. I have my questions ready, but I wonder what kind of answers I will get. I know that the results of my CT scan I had on Monday should be available. I don't know if Dr. Dechet will want to schedule my surgery. If he does, I wonder how much information he will try and give me tomorrow. Thanks to the people on BCAN, I have learned a lot about the pre and post op procedures. I wonder if Dechet will follow the same procedures. I know it's silly to worry about things I can't control, but I am.

I have mentioned several times about situations that have not gone as I feel they should have at the Huntsman and my CT scan was no different. The doctors office had called on the 17th to give me the details of the scan and told me to show up 2 hrs. early to drink the contrast. I understood this because my 2 previous scans, I had to drink the contrast. Well on the 25th, the CT dept. called to verify the appointment and proceeded to tell me I didn't need to drink any contrast. I said that the doctor's office said I did need the contrast. They assured me I didn't. So that night, I email the ask a nurse and informed them of the conflict and asked if they could check on it and let me know tomorrow (Friday). And as usual, I did not get a response. So all weekend, I wondered what I should do. Luckily, my appointment was late on Monday so I had time to call the doctor's office and try and get an answer. I did get in touch with the office and they told me I needed the contrast and they would talk to the CT dept. I arrived early for my CT and was again told I didn't need contrast. After some discussion, I was given the contrast to drink. And I have to ask myself, HOW CAN THE COMMUNICATION BE SO POOR!!! When I talking directly to people, they are straight forward and nice. But this miscommunication and unreturned messages happens so much that I truly wonder if I should go out of state.

Going out of state is something I have considered from the very beginning. But I went to the Huntsman hoping they would show me they were the best place for me to be. But in my opinion, they have consistently shown me the opposite. Although the people have been great when I am there in person, the frustration I have received from unreturned messages and miscommunication has been great. so I finally investigated people on BCAN who went out of state. One from N.M. and one from Idaho ended up at USC cancer hospital. They both got first rate care and more importantly no complications from their surgery. I am so close to at least going and talking to the doctor. I will wait to see how my meeting goes tomorrow.

Good night.