Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Returning to normal

It has now been 2 weeks since I sat in a chair for 6 hours and let the chemo med drip into my veins. I had lost 15 lbs. from then till now. I can see it in my face. My hair and whiskers stopped growing, so I haven't shaved in 8 weeks or so.

But I have been getting stronger over this past week. My appetite has almost returned. But I still miss the feeling of being hungry for something. You know when you just have a craving for something. I don't have that - yet. But I do somewhat feel the sensation of hunger. I am working full days, 5 days a week. I do get tired. Bit as I said earlier, I am getting stronger each day.

I decided that I needed to start my exercise program back up. For me that means walking up Green Canyon after work. Not everyday, that would be to much. So Tuesday I decided to walk 2 or more miles. First half uphill - Second half down. So I am a mile up and decide I feel good enough to keep going and I start to climb gate hill. I get almost to the top and a truck approaches me going down. The truck reaches me, slows down, and then stops. The window rolls down and the driver looks at me and ask, "Do you need a ride or are you like walking?" I assured him that I was OK and was indeed walking. They gave me a thumbs up and continued on and I thought to myself how bad must I look that someone passing by thought "This guy does not look well. We better stop and ask if he needs help." I had to laugh to myself and then I thought how lucky I am to live in a place where strangers care enough to ask if you are OK. Tomorrow I walk again. Hopefully I'll look fit enough that people will think I belong up there.

On the medical side, I finally heard back from the doctor's office (Dr. Dechet) at the Huntsman. I have a CT scan scheduled for 6/29/15 and an appointment to see Dr. Dechet on 7/2/15. I have much more to say about this, but it is late and I am tired. When I have time and energy, I will tell you the irony of all of this. But for sure, the 7/2 meeting is going to be a big one.

One last thing before I say good night. I want to thank everyone who has been thinking of or praying for me. I still have trouble believing what has, is, and will be happening to me. It's "INCONCIEVABLE"! Ha. I don't feel sick. I don't feel cancer. My urinary system seems to be working better then it has in a long time. I don't understand - why me. But again  - THANK YOU.

Good night.