Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Chemo Effects

Well it's now been 1 week since I started my first chemo treatment. I was so truly hoping that the effects of the chemo would have warn off by now. To test these waters, I would periodically not take my nausea pill and see how my body would react. I tried this on Monday morning and that was a mistake. I was feeling oh so miserable that when I made it home for lunch, I took my pill and took a hour long nap to recover.

I knew I needed to get my grass cut Monday night, but I also knew I didn't want to do it. So I owe a BIG thank you to my son Dean who came over on short notice and spent a hour cutting my grass. And I did all the trimming.

Dean and I had a nice visit and he reminded me to just take the stupid nausea pills and stop screwing around. So I'm taking his advice for now - 1 pill every 8 hrs. And I must admit I do feel better. But I know my curiosity will get the best of me and I will skip a pill to see if I have fully recovered.

I was really hoping to golf this weekend, but it looks like rain all weekend. I'll keep hoping.

BTW, I am still working on the big issues like what type of urinary diversion I will choose and if it is worth traveling out of state to have the surgery done. I posted some questions on the BCAN website and haven't received a meaningful response yet. BCAN - bladder cancer advocacy network is a good site for information. I just hope I can get some answers to my questions.

Good Night.