Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Plans made - Here I go

I have finally forced myself to sit down and catch up on what has happened. I think the reason why I have not wrote in my blog to much lately is that it forces me to sit down and think about what is going on. And I have had to make many decisions (some difficult) and I feel like I just don't want to think about this anymore.

I have decided to have my operation done at USC / Keck in California. In my mind, I just couldn't let the opportunity to have one of the most experienced neo bladder surgeons in the nation perform my surgery. So Dr. Daneshmand is the man. I know the logistics and cost become more complicated, but frankly I am worth it and I am stubborn and determined enough to make it happen.

So I left on vacation on August 4th. We were having a kind of family reunion back in my hometown of Toledo. I also had to inform the doctors of my decision. And then the ramifications of my decision began. Several pages of pre op paper work to be filled out for Keck. A page of pre op blood and other test that need to be done. Finding a place to stay for a month. Purchasing flexible airline tickets. So my vacation became kind of a working vacation.

Yesterday, I finally got my sister Cheryl's airline tickets done. We have decided to fly into Burbank and avoid LAX. I think this will be simpler and is closer to our rented house in Van Neys. Our house is a nice 3 bedroom house with a pool. It is located on a large lot in a secluded, quiet neighborhood. Shopping is located 4 blocks away and is walkable. The house is about 20 miles from the hospital, which could be an hour drive in LA traffic. But I have downloaded the Uber app on Barb and Cheryl's phone and explained how it works. I think it would be easier to get around this way then try and drive.

So here is my itinerary for now -
Aug. 12 - Back in Logan, UT
Aug. 13-14 - Get pre op tests done and port flushed at Logan hospital and get results faxed to Keck.
Aug. 15-22 - Work like hell to get ahead at the shop and at home. Tie up loose ends.
Aug. 23 - Pack for California.
Aug. 24 - Barb and I travel to LA
Aug. 25 - Barb and I spend day at Keck for pre op education
Aug. 26 - 5:00 AM - at Keck for surgery - BIG DAY
Aug. 26-30 - In hospital
Aug. 31-Sept. 16 - At home recovery with in home nursing
Sept. 16 - Hopefully back to hospital to have catheter and stents removed. Training on how I will urinate and self cath.
Sept 17-22 - Try out all my new equipment.
Sept. 22 - Hopefully fly home and pray I don't soak thru my diaper.

I haven't thought much beyond this point -

I hope this helps. I will continue to do my pelvic floor exercises and keep my physical strength up. I do need to work on my mental attitude. I have always been a realist and looked at all the things that can go wrong so I would be prepared for them. I feel I need to be more positive about the future. To be honest, there is still a part of me that is pissed off about this whole f@#&ing situation. But that part of me has been getting smaller. As I have said, I need to be more positive about the future. Picture how you want it and work to make it that way.

A quick thank you to my family. For their love, support, and prayers. For making this week truly special. Thank you, Linda and Jeff for opening your house up and making this all possible (and also all the fish).To Nick, John, and Darrell (my very special friends), I am so thankful that we were able to meet up again. To Dick and Jude, thanks again for your hospitality. You treat Barb, Dean, and I so well. And you treat me so well - so special - so thoughtful. Thank you all for a great vacation home in Toledo.

And lastly a special thank you to my sister Cheryl. You are so special.

Actually there are so many friends I am thankful for. But I am so very thankful for my family, Barb and Dean. They have been wonderful. This has been difficult for them and they have been there through it all. We are getting into the good stuff now and I will try to be strong.

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